Thunder Underground
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:49 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Ozzy Osbourne / Geezer Butler / Zakk Wylde
File Size
89 KB
Yer thoughts are comp ro mi sing, self cen tered, pa tro niz ing
Yer im age su per sedes your soul _ _ _ soul _ _ soul _ _
You find me mys ti fy ing, sub hu man, so an noy ing
You can't have me un der con trol _ _ _ Oh _ _ Oh _ _
You think you live for ev _ er, you don't find that pro found _ _ _
You won't think yer so cle _ ver when you hear thun der un der ground _ _ _
All right now. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Your mor bid fear of lo sing de stroys the lives yer u sing
You on ly have one point of view _ _ _ view _ _ view _ _
The stig ma of de lu sion con firms yer self il lu sion
And af ter all this could be you _ _ _ you _ _ you _ _
You think you live for ev _ er, you don't find that pro found _ _ _
You won't think yer so cle _ ver when you hear thun der un der ground _ _ _
Here we go now. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Could it be that I have found my mind or have I gone in sane?
Rol ler coas ter of the mad ness and there's on ly me to blame
The e ver faith ful hand of doom will take the pain a way
I'll ne ver know the an swer to it all 'til my dy ing day
Yer bull shit cul ture lick ing, can't stop the death watch tick ing
Yer on ly mor tal af ter all _ _ _ all _ _ all _ _
Yer ap pe tite for pow er sub verts yer ev 'ry hour _
But ev 'ry time the migh ty fall _ _ _ fall _ _ fall _ _
You think you live for ev _ er, you don't find that pro found _ _ _
You won't think yer so cle _ ver when you hear thun der un der ground _ _
Here we go now. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located
throughout. The song is 98% accurate and only the
outro you see might be off. It was the best I can get
with the sound GuitarPro features.It is also imperative
to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right
where it is, as this makes it sound best. This was
checked for accuracy by playing along with the real
track song!